Thursday, 3 February 2011

Hair knots & Gillian Amalia Zinser ♥

♥ Also known as Ivy on 90210, which without a doubt is my favourite character! Her style is spot on:)
♥ Her hair is actually perfect. I love the surff kind of look going on, and her top knot is just.. aghh so jealous!


. said...

Her hair is amazing and I love her style to :)

lydia lee said...

yes yes yes! she is my girl crush her hair is amaaazing!

a fashion blog by lydialee

sundaygirl said...

I really like her hair up. I wish mine were that long and that colour.

Rebecca said...

Love 90210

A.Elinor said...

I'm also a HUGE 90210 fan!!! :) And Gillian is the most beautiful person on the whole show!

Check out my blog

Thankyouuu ♥