Saturday, 22 January 2011


Zara, £9.99

Brown bear pom hat/headband, Topshop-£14 down to £7
Flower headband, Miss selfridge-£6.50 down to £2

♥ Nearly didn't buy this satchel! i was a fooool! my friend literally made me since i had my £70 topshop voucher. A will be using it for school as its quite big:)
♥ Aww, how cute is this bear headband/hat? mum got it for mee teheh. not really sure how to wear it yet? i will figure it out!
♥ Saw this flower headband yonks ago. At £6.50 i gave it a miss since it was only flimsy. Now £2 i haaad to have it! i love it:)
♥ I saw these a while ago too. £14 for some mittens. hm. £7 is alot better;) reminds me of when you were little and you had mittens with string on, and your mum used to put them in your coat sleeves so you could never loose them. whattt a cuttiiieee. There nude/pink with little white beads on. n'awww:)

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