Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Nothing to be inspired by..

♥Been so long since my last post! I dont have alot to talk about, and as it says as the title, nothing has inspired me lately.
♥Its only tuesday and these two days at school have been so busy! I had school photos today, a work experience interview and jabs yesterday. My interview went really bad too, i was up against one of my friends, shes dead clever and said everything went fine so that made me feel abit crap!
♥Got my lower cartlilidge peirced, my best friend did it for me! she did my top ear too, and have had no problems and i love it although my parents dont know, i doubt they would be happy so al keep it ont he down low till it is healed ;)



Sara Luxe said...

ohhh ive been thinking of getting that piece pierced too . looks fab

Sophie Sharp said...

you should! i left mine out over night by accident and now its healed! i think its for the best, my parents didnt know:P