Sunday, 13 February 2011

Dreamy Creamy..

Maybeline Dreamy Creamy Foundation
♥  So before i bought this obviously i went and checked out what other people said, everyone was complaining how it can make you look 'greasy' and how its annoying that you have to twist the lid to open in.. some lazy people now a days;)
♥ Personally i love it. Its probably the first foundation i have had that matches my skin PERFECTLY. Its amazing! Its like painting on my skin, but nicer without all the red blemishes haha! To me it doesnt look greasy, and even if it does just shove abit of powder on top;)
♥  I bought this from Superdrug for £8, the colour is 04 light porcelain. Not that that matters cause you cant see my skin but i just thought i'd say ;)


1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Sounds great! Must try this x