Saturday, 15 January 2011

Saturday Summary♥

♥Its my Great Grandads birthday today, hes 94 years old!
♥This photo was took a few weeks ago when i got my new phone, he was so impressed, i went on google for him and showed him pictures of where he grew up he was so happy :') i love him lots and lots and lots:)
♥Me looking lovely and rough just slung on a holister top and cardi like ya doo, 
♥So yeah, Happy Birthday Great Grandad♥

♥Mum went to town today while i visited my Great Grandad, and i remembered they have started the Nails inc exclusive for diet coke. Soo, i wanted the caramel im loving that coour at the moment. But unfortunetly they had ran out (obviously) so mum got me 'Denim' which is such an nice blue, shall be getting my wear out that:)

♥How cute are these? The pictures have only one coat on and they still look amazing,  I love OPI especially the mini ones, do you find that you never finish a whole nail varnish? so these are perfect for me:)
♥ Did you know Justin Bieber has is own OPI nail varnish's out? One is clear/white with love hearts and stars in and the other is a ruby glittery red! I dont like him and this proves a point even more that he is a girl;)

Jeans- Topshop
Top- Topshop
Cardi- Topshop
Shoes- Topshop
formed a pattern? oops. tehehe
♥ Saturdays outfit, thankgod you can hardly see my face haha i wasnt looking too cracking.
♥I love this top, just how simple it is with the pocket :) I bought the broach from primark for £1! Bargain.♥

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