Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Loreal preference hair dye Light brown

Just a short post to tell you I dyed my hair back brown after being a pinky purple colour, I loved it but when I'm roots started coming through and it started fading a lot because it was only a wash out one I didn't feel good at all. Didn't feel like me however it was fun to have a change.
So I bought the loreal Paris recital preference in light brown as i thought it always comes out a lot darker than it says on the box with these kind of dyes.
Im really happy with the colour it turned out, it looks just like my colour before dying my hair purple and it is very natural looking. I was very happy for my pink hair to be fully took out too as I was worried it wouldn't cover it but it did!
The conditioner in this hair dye is amazing and your hair smells great after, not that strong awful dye smell.
Would definitely reccomend.
Here are photos of me and ny boyfriend. You can see my hair colour on this also :)
X x

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