Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Loreal Paris elvive nutri-gloss crystal sparkly shampoo!

I wanted to try a new shampoo and conditioner, I remember seeing this on tv and thinking what could be better, glitter shampoo! I bought each for £1.99 in boots for 400ml bottles!
It smells amazing and leaves your hair so shiny! I died my hair purple a few days ago and was worried my hair may have looked dry, but these make it look amazing.
The micro crystals are water soluble so no glitter is left in your hair.. sadly ;)
The conditioner leaves my hair feeling soft and definitely does not weigh it down.
It is reccomended for 'fine to normal dull hair.
I think it is worth the price as you don't need to use a lot, the shampoo lathers very well. At £1.99 you can't go wrong, especially for 400ml bottles, however it would be still worth its full price at £3.99!
You can also buy an intensive conditioner if your hair is very damaged in the same range 'crystal' for £4.99 which is a '60 second saviour' which has also been said to leave your hair shiny.
You should try the loreal elvive nutri-gloss crystal shampoo and conditioner whilst they are £1.99 each at boots!
X x

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