Sunday, 3 April 2011

Someday Summary - Sunday♥

♥HAPPPYYYY MOTHERS DAY:) What did you all get your mum? I saved up for a bottle of Dior J'adore perfume as i knew she needed it. So yes, i am now skint, and my dads birthday is coming up on Wednesday so im going to have to find some money!!

♥I love this top, its soo soft, i thought it was going to be more of a blouse material where as its actually jersey. Its from new look for £13.99, but i had a 20% off voucher from my magazine!:)

♥My hair is really annoying at the moment. I hate the length not long, not short 'past shoulder length' so annoying. Please grow!? tehe! I would love to go blonde, not full on bleach blonde, just like mucky with brown lowlights (i have veeery dark eyebrows, i would look too odd otherwise!)  

♥I HAVE 20 FOLLOWERS BABYY! hahaha! I would have never thought that anyone would ever read my blog, so thankyouu and keep reading! 

♥Oh and btw, its my birthday veery soon and i want some high converse, just what colour? white or black. white i would get verry mucky but you can sling them in the wash or black which is the original colour? please help! :)

1 comment:

Chuck said...

Ooh, the blouse is really sweet...