Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Sea Salt Spray♥

♥oooh. I love thiis, its a product every girl needs! I havent had to use my straightners now for a week, i hate the un-natural look your straightners give you and it takes you ages. Now before school i spray this, scrunch and go.
♥Before i tried this, i read mixed reviews. Some said it was amazing and some said it left your hair really dry. I love it but it can make your hair really dry so you just have to wash your hair like normal and make sure its all out 
♥I got this at my hairdressers, Toni and Guy. I bought the 50ml just to try it and i think it was around £3-£5 i cant remember. Im running out of it though because i used it at first just to test and was spraying loads! Now i have the hang of it i have hairdly any left!
♥Im going to try the V05  Extreme Style Surf Spray next.   



Natalie.A.Parkinson said...

I love this product too!xx

Sophie said...

ooooh i keep seeing such good reviews of these sea salt sprays, may have to invest! cute shirt!xx

Sophie Sharp said...

Thankyouu ashley! and sophie you should deffinetly get one, and oo thanksss!xx